Monday Update with Annie Neufeld 10-9-22.mp4

Monday Update with Annie Neufeld 10-9-22.mp4

Questions for Personal Devotion and Small Groups

Review the Sermon:

Exodus 20:1-17, Mark 12:28-31

• How does Jesus summarize the Ten Commandments in Mark 12:28-31?
• What is the definition of Good News?

Dive into the Scripture:

• Why does God reference the Israelites’ slavery in Egypt before giving the Ten Commandments?
• How do we understand the Jealousy of God?
•8 God tells the Israelites in Ex 20:3-4 that they should have no other gods before Him and should not bow down to idols. Yet just a few chapters later, they worship a golden calf and go against everything God had commanded them. Take a moment to read Exodus 32: 1-8.
– Why did the Israelites make this golden calf?
– The Israelites made the golden calf from the gold earrings God had made the Egyptians give them while leaving Egypt (Ex 12:33-36). What is the significance of making an idol from these items?
– In what ways do we also make idols out of the blessings and gifts God has given us?

Live It Out:

• What “other gods” take your attention away from loving God first?
• What does it look like to love our neighbors as an overflow of our love for God?
• What practices help you to love God first?