• 2024.09.10

Dark Exhalation Excerpt

Dark Exhalation is a new multi-media chamber opera for four voices and amplified ensemble. In this sci-fi ghost story Lavinia returns from her wife Helen’s memorial service with an urn containing her […]

  • 2024.09.10

So far so good

Had this for about a month now and I gotta say I’m really enjoying it. I like how I can just throw in my closet and then take it out anytime and go to any of my rooms and start playing around wi […]

  • 2024.09.09

intro for vimeo

Extended Readings from “THESE ARE THEIR *HONEST* THOUGHTS ABOUT YOU” pick a card reading. PIle 1: Will take a deeper look into what your perosn’s blockage is in this connection/ any […]

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