FCTV: Tantalus & Grid Monetization

FCTV: Tantalus & Grid Monetization

As Cyberspace is fractalized, the big question is, who will be the winners?

Because the Information Cost-Velocity Curve says that by 2030 every device will be a cross-communicating Cyberspace fractal with nanoscale data center power, monetization opportunities will be visible that no one could see before. The first to harvest the immense, new information flows will be the biggest winner. Doing this will require business models that no one has even thought of.

Take the grid. With every device on it a Nanoscale Data Center fractal, all of them consuming and/or generating energy, monetizing the edgeless grid that results will be a gigantic scale engine. If you get it right.

Tantalus is getting it right, focusing on monetizing these new grid scale dimensions and “modernizing the distribution grid by harnessing the power of data from connected devices.”

Every device on the planet will be affected. Just think of your lightbulbs as cross-communicating nanoscale data centers and you can see immediately that, as Tantalus puts it “the edge of the grid needs to move from the traditional meter to the smart appliances, smart circuit breakers, DER inverters and EV chargers located behind the meter”. This is a new monetization space, unseen until Cyberspace fractalization.

Tantalus sees the fractals and monetizes them.

Watch TV as Peter Londa, CEO of Tantalus, shows how grid monetization in the new era of fractalized Cyberspace can be a massive scale engine.