Task 2.1.2 : Biomechanical simulation of human running

Task 2.1.2 : Biomechanical simulation of human running

Ilya Prigogine said in his book “Order out of Chaos”, “We believe that we are heading toward a new synthesis, a new naturalism. Perhaps we will eventually be able to combine the Western tradition, with its emphasis on experimentation and quantitative formulations, with a tradition such as the Chinese one, with its view of a spontaneous, self-organizing world. ”

I already fully mastered philosophy in the West : “醫生為機匠 – The doctor as mechanic”. Then when I helped with a food sovereignty awareness project in the Jura region, I was suggested a motif of inspiration about the oriental philosophy “無為自然” by an occidental entrepreneur of a Canadian ecological urban agriculture service, Microhabitat. Then I found that her ideal, “a world where individuals living in the city coexist with nature,” exists in Taipei. Since then, I have been studying Oriental philosophy. And now I’m learning “黃帝內經 – Huangdi Neijing”.

So in the future, I think my project will be based in Taiwan, integrating Western and Eastern philosophies and dealing with countries around the world.

We are in the post-corona era, and the world society is undergoing turbulent change. Now a pandemic has came again. First of all, it is necessary to take measures for that. I also hope you can take care of yourself and your family.

#Metaphilosophy #AstroBiology #Waterways #SimulatedReality #MetachronalRhythm #ReverseKarmanVortexStreet #RadiocarbonDating #QuaternaryScience #TotalSynthesis #FollowUpstudies #ATP #AeroDynamics #MathematicalPhysics #Kungfu #Horology #SelfOrganization #DissipativeStructures #Mitochondria #OrderOutOfChaos #FromBeingToBecoming

《帝曰:何謂神。歧伯曰:請言神,神乎神,耳不聞,目明心開,而志先,慧然獨悟,口弗能言,俱視獨見,適若昏,昭然獨明,若風吹雲,故曰神。三部九候為之原,九鍼之論,不必存也。》- 黃帝內經 素問 八正神明論

Using the talent of Kinesthetic Synesthesia, On the midway between philosophy, physics and physiology, Yutaka Sawai (Varipon) offers mathematical equations or letter sequences called the will of the universe which exercises the agent of the movement, the soul of the universe.

Human running movement data download :

Fundamental theorem : http://varipon.com/index.php/theorem/
Formula : https://varipon.com/index.php/work-plan-6/task-61-formula/
Infinite applications :http://varipon.com/index.php/art-work-plan/ , http://bit.ly/2UXaBjo

Blender 2.8-9 download : https://www.blender.org/download/