Immpact for Employers

Immpact for Employers

Ian Squires, Co-Founder explains how Immpact, a global ethical business immigration platform will help expand your talent pool, reduce your time to hire, and reduce your business immigration administration & costs by over 50%.

The big benefit of Immpact is that we can connect you directly to pre-qualified talent overseas as well as inside the UK.

You will be supported by our onboarding and customer success teams to make the transition smooth and effective.

We have an 8-step process we follow to get you off to a great start.

1. We will demonstrate our pre-qualifying tools

Should you need to ‘sponsor’ employees the tools will show you the roles you can recruit for and the associated costs.

2. Build your profile

Highlight your company and your preferences.

3. Your recruitment workflow

We set this up with you and adapt or import your recruitment templates.

4. Create your first role

We review this with you and publish your requirements.

5. Advertise and search.

We will show you how this works and your options.

6. Manage applicants

We will show you how to respond to applicants and set up the interview process.

7. Dashboard management

We demonstrate how to make the most of your data.

8. Legal experts

We can connect you with regulated legal professionals.

Our customer success team will then take on responsibility for your account when you have completed your induction.

Launching soon: Register your interest here: