Breaking the Wall of Unconscious Bias

Breaking the Wall of Unconscious Bias

2019 Falling Walls Lab Pitch on Breaking the Wall of Unconscious Bias at Northeastern University.
The reality is we are all biased in some capacity as our brain creates efficient ways to process the complex world around us.
Our Experiences determine cognition that alters the neurocircuitry associated with our Affect which in turn influence how we feel about our Experiences.
This repetitious cycle of life long learning is what defines our Human-iT-E.
So When I DREAM about breaking the wall of Unconscious Bias I view it on a spectrum. On one end we have blissful ignorance— on the other moralistic altruism And in between are the willfully ignorant and woke-isly conscious.
Whither Explicit or implicit we all begin at Bias and as we move along this conscious continuum Knowledge creates Awareness that leads to Sensitivity before evolving into the Skills needed to do the right thing without even knowing iT-
The solution requires unconscious Bias training using Affective Multimodal Virtual Reality Brain-Computer Interactions that combine Brain Computer Interface @neurable_ and Virtual Reality @htcvive Hardware
Emotionally intelligence software @affectiva_emotionai to create immersive environments that tap into the subconscious to collect physiological and neurofeedback needed to quantify our unconscious biases.
Implementing the Gamification of Conscious offers a personalized opportunity to identify bias and take action while receiving real-time adaptive feedback in a productive environment.
Imagine experiencing the world thru the lens of Jamal Davis who encounters incidents of racial bias in his first year of graduate school. This is the objective of Fair Play a Bias Training game where you decide whither to identify bias or ignore it—understanding the ideal choice depends on the context. So if asked to speak on behalf of the Black student experience; the Unconsciously Competcent know this Tokenism Bias and skillfully enlighten Professor on why it is unfair to ask me to speak on behalf of an entire group.
By leveraging Virtual Reality as a Global Enterprise Solution we are able to Break the Wall of Unconscious Bias