The First Question You Should Answer When Planning Your Trust is, ‘What if I become Incapacitated?

The First Question You Should Answer When Planning Your Trust is, ‘What if I become Incapacitated?

If you are supporting someone financially or letting a family member live in your home or rental home, will you still be able to support them after you become incapacitated or pass away? If it’s not explicitly written in your trust, then no. Your trustee may have to kick them out, charge them rent, or stop paying them money. If you want to continue to support those who depend on you, make sure it is included! [AD] Estate planning addresses so many important factors about your future and your legacy. If you don’t have an estate plan in place, where do you get started? If you do, how have new laws and life transitions changed? Will your plan still protect you? We can help you understand your options, and legally, how you will best be protected at all touchpoints. Get started today by scheduling a free discovery call

Do you need help with your estate planning or trust administration now? We can help. Together our Absolute Trust Counsel team will take a look at your situation and your specific needs and develop a strategic plan that will protect you and your loved ones, regardless of what may come. Here’s a link to schedule your free discovery today

We’re pleased to provide you with a library of e-books to address common estate planning questions and concerns in practical, easy-to-understand language.

Kirsten would love to offer you access to her Incapacity Planning resource page: We’ve collected our top planning information all in one place so listeners can find videos, guidebooks, blog posts, and a host of information with tips and strategies on implementing, planning, and protecting themselves and their loved ones.

Your Trust Administration Guide:
The job of a trustee isn’t as easy as one may think. You must give legal notices, retitle assets, file tax returns, understand a legal document, and perform a variety of tasks most people find unfamiliar. As a trustee, if you forget a step or make a mistake, you could be held liable. Protect yourself, have a plan, and find out the next steps about your specific trust. Schedule a one-hour roadmapping session with Absolute Trust Counsel. We will review your trust, answer your questions and develop an action plan to get the job done right.

Kirsten Howe Can Be Reached at 925-943-2740 or
