SITV 1.31.23

SITV 1.31.23

Filming Anchors:

Anchor 1: Hey SI! I’m _________,

Anchor 2: And I’m ___________,

Anchor 3: And I’m _________, and here are your morning announcements.

Anchor 1: Hey SI! On Friday February 3, ASC and the Chinese Culture club will be hosting this year’s Lunar New Year Celebration at X-period in the commons! There will be dumpling making, calligraphy, and fun festivities for everybody! This is an open event, so all are free to come! RSVP using this QR code and make sure to check your email for more details!

Anchor 2: This week marks the beginning of Blind Date with a Book. Stop by the library, choose a wrapped book from the book “Blind Date with a Book” collection, check it out, and be entered into the raffle for a movie night gift card–movie tickets worth $50 from the library. The drawing will be held on Valentine’s Day. Take a chance on falling in love . . . with a book.

Anchor 3: Now here is an announcement from Girls Varsity Soccer

Anchor 3: The SI Chess Club will be meeting today during upper lunch and X-period on the piazza. From now on we will be meeting every first Tuesday of the month, though there will be an all-school amateurs chess tournament later this month – details to be determined. If you aren’t a member and are interested in joining, then come down to the piazza to sign up.

Anchor 2: ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: Sibling photos for this year’s yearbook are due TODAY. See the email from Ms. Schwarz for the link. Thank you.

Anchor 1: That’s it for today SI! Have a great weekend.