Best CBD on the market, from someone who has tried 12+ providers

Best CBD on the market, from someone who has tried 12+ providers

First off, I want to say thanks to the people at Spruce CBD. This stuff is truly great.

I’ve been using CBD for about 10 months now. I have had *** *** *** since I was 22. I have seen a therapist weekly (or more often) and take (and continue to) medicine for my *** – Sertraline (Zoloft), Seroquel (quetiapine), Welbutrin (Buproprion) and Clonazepam (klonopin).

Last summer my “”med protocol”” which had served me well for 14 years stopped working. I went through the horrible “”med switch”” period of withdrawing from old meds while trying to find new. It was honestly the worst period of my life. Luckily, I was recommended CBD oil by a friend with *** *** ***. I was desperate, so while not being the kind of person who would normally purchase anything other than what is in the pharmacy, I gave it a shot.

It was a miracle. I had significant relief within 5 minutes. I have been a CBD user, as part of my overall med protocol, ever since then.

Anyway, what brought me to Spruce CBD is 10 months of research, trial and error. What I found was this…

1. Taking CBD sublingually is the best for me (placing the oil under the tongue for at least 60 seconds)
2. Leaving it longer is better.
3. Full spectrum has worked better for me than isolate.
4. The higher the CBD potency (CBD/ml) the better, so you don’t have to take as many doses.

I’ve gone through over 12 providers, finding better and better stuff, but I have settled on Spruce. It has and continues to give me a great deal of relief.
