

In the middle of a global pandemic, a ride service provider is now an essential worker. Through uncertainties he has to continue his job to provide for his family. Fear and anxiety between him and his passengers drive them apart to stay socially distanced, yet they feel closer through their struggles. Everyday tasks are now big challenges for those who risk their lives to leave their homes. Minutes feel like hours and time is at a stand still.

Director Statement
Shot in one continuous take from start to finish, this feature film captures one of the most important times in our modern history. For the first time ever, people of all nations are going through the same struggle to fight an invisible enemy. Without any plots or manipulation, the movie captures life as it’s happening during the global pandemic of COVID-19. The project showcases the lives of a few relatable people who cross paths and have much hope for the future. The film-makers have stepped aside completely to allow this project to unfold organically and without any ideologies, philosophies or personal agendas. This timeless project is a message of hope to humanity for the years to come.