How To Lower Cost Per Click In Google Ads

How To Lower Cost Per Click In Google Ads

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Google Ads is the best way to get your business the traffic it deserves. I’ll teach you how to lower your cost per click and how to do it in a way that does not involve black hat methods.

What are the best strategies to go about finding lower CPCs for highly competitive industries for clients with lower monthly ad spend and traditionally higher CPCs? Such as HVAC. Do you feel like Manual CPC is still effective with Google moving to more automation? Yeah, good question. So first of all, you don’t want to just focus on lowering the CPC. Cheap clicks are cheap for a reason that they don’t convert very well.

Expensive keywords are expensive for a reason because they convert very well. They give you a good ROI and ROAS. So you shouldn’t just focus on reducing the CPC because if your competitors are being aggressive with their bidding, you are going to get outranked every time. Your ads won’t show all the time and you or your customer will wonder why our ads aren’t shown.

So what you want to do is to focus on increasing the conversion rate because even if you are paying a higher CPC, which HVAC and plumbers and locksmiths have traditionally double-digit clicks, $60 clicks, $100 clicks and so on, you need to try to increase your conversion rate. The other thing is you need to manage the client’s expectations. If your click, the cost is $100 and the client has got a $2,000 a month budget, it just won’t work because you’re hardly going to get 20 clicks a month and nothing is going to happen. So we need to manage that client’s expectations as well as how much budget they need.

And if they don’t have the budget, I would recommend that you don’t waste your time with them because it’ll be frustrating and you won’t be able to do it. So for this kind of service dependent on how many clicks or calls they want, you know 15 to 20 clicks a day is nothing. But that should be the bare minimum, which I would go for as a starting point. And then I multiply that by the CPC and tell the client, if you got a budget which is equal to this much, then we go forward. Otherwise, we don’t take on the client.