“The Soil in Which We Grow”.mp4

“The Soil in Which We Grow”.mp4

Scripture: John 3:1-21
Sermon Series: JP21 Disentangling from Racism
We are in just such a time when the deeds of evil are being exposed, and in order to live in the light, we have to do what is true – we have to stick to what is true, and to speak the truth. And the truth we need to speak at this time in human history is the truth about how entrenched racism is in our society. We need to understand that racism is in our national soil itself. It is like some noxious substance that has been worked into our soil that infiltrates every plant growing in it. Truth-telling that leads to spiritual transformation will be uncomfortable, and we will be tempted to seek to excuse ourselves, or find ways to ease our discomfort. But there is nothing wrong with admitting that we live in a society shaped by racism. The first step towards healing of any kind is to accept the diagnosis and then to take the steps to heal.