It’s not all bad: How shifts in privacy will supercharge your email strategy

It’s not all bad: How shifts in privacy will supercharge your email strategy

Between Google’s announcement to end support for third-party cookies and Apple’s announcement of iOS 15, privacy changes present a major shift in how digital marketers will connect to potential buyers. But as digital advertising options change, email has the opportunity to take center stage in the buyer journey. With email offering both a massive source of first-party data and a direct, personalized connection with buyers, determining how, when, and what to email will become a critical step in crafting a successful, results-driven email strategy.

Join Cory LaGrange, Director of Digital Strategy at Emfluence, as he provides a roadmap for building an email-first digital strategy, from opt-in acquisition to repeat purchases and everything in between.

After this session, you’ll be able to:

Craft emails buyers want to receive
Create a holistic email strategy targeted to your buyer journey
Leverage email as a marketing tactic outside the inbox