21 Days of Prayer Invitation (2023)

21 Days of Prayer Invitation (2023)

“Reconciling the World to Christ Through the Power of the Holy Spirit.” It is more than a motto that looks good on our stationery, signs, and websites. For more than 120 years, our ministries have been responding to the call to take the Gospel message around the world. We praise God for local churches, just like yours, that are serving our communities, disciplining believers, and winning the lost.

While the Spirit of God continues to move throughout many parts of the world, I am also aware that in most places we stand in need of a great spiritual awakening. The rise of secularism in many cultures, growing unbelief among younger generations, and increasing hostility toward the Gospel seem to cripple our efforts and discourage many among us. We desperately need an outpouring of God’s Spirit. What is the church to do in times like these?

I believe the most powerful action we can take is to engage in united prayer!

I am inviting each local church and member to mobilize efforts and join me in seeking God’s direction for our ministries locally, nationally, and globally.

This January, the global family of the Church of God of Prophecy will once again begin the New Year with a season of prayer and fasting. As a core value, we recognize that prayer must be the foundation for all our ministry efforts and is our first great work in seeking renewal.

For twenty-one days, beginning January second, we will unite around specific weekly prayer directives. These prayer directives are available through our online and social media downloadable resources. Also, throughout the month of January, our general presbyters will be hosting online events to gather each area together for a more targeted time of prayer.

You may learn more about your area’s specific gathering and download our prayer guides at www.cogopprays.org.

Please join us for the largest corporate prayer effort of our church this year. Acts 2:17 reminds us of God’s promise that “In the last days, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”

Join with me as we ask God to pour out His Spirit in these last days —on our church, our communities, and our world—so that we may see renewal and awakening in our time as we reconcile the world to Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.

God bless you.