Scammer Whistle Blower

Scammer Whistle Blower

Permitted Scam Whistle Blower
So many rich wanting to kill the poor,
Creating evil web worlds and opening the door.
Promising their wishes will certainly come true, just pay a little money that’s all you need to do .
Then with great expectations the wait begins with glee, such a marvelous thrifty bargain at that low easily affordable fee.
Days at first then weeks go by until realisation reasons it was all a lie, You send them an email writing where is my gift? No reply found when even junk mail you sift.
Another is up on all the most popular websites again, Allowed to steal and bring misery and pain. Heartache at being cheated by big business so mean, sacrificing the desperate for their own close-knit team. AI they say will take the low jobs, but before beneficiaries are buried they’ll frustrate and rob. Boldly exclaiming to those sick weary weak you’re one link away from returning to your peak. Drink daily from a new secret mixture, pay a little more, and see a nicer picture.
If you’re not in the fold the future is sold, every cent will be gone once treasured to hold.